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I am currently working as a deputy production editor for the Guardian's Editions. This digital product is a new version of the Daily Edition (where I worked as a subeditor and acted as a night production editor). It is an app that is replicating the newspaper on tablets and mobile phones and is available to subscribers of the digital subscription bundle. 

Front pages created for
the Guardian's Daily Edition 

Here are some of the examples of the fronts I made using InDesign as part of my sub/prod ed role for the Guardian's Daily Edition - the complete package of compiled and curated news. 

Stiletto Heels
Stiletto Heels
Picture 20.png
Stiletto Heels
Stiletto Heels
Picture 15 2.png
Stiletto Heels
Stiletto Heels
Picture 18.png
Stiletto Heels
Stiletto Heels
Picture 17.png
Stiletto Heels
Stiletto Heels
Picture 18.png
Stiletto Heels
Stiletto Heels
Picture .png
Stiletto Heels
Stiletto Heels
Picture 16 2.png
Stiletto Heels
Stiletto Heels
Picture 21.png

Cover cards created for
the Guardian's Editions

Here are some of the examples of mobile and tablet cover cards I made using cover card builder as part of my role for the Guardian's Editions app - the complete package of compiled and curated news


Copyright: (from top left, clockwise) The Guardian illustration; Dan Matthews/The Guardian; Mick Brownfield/The Guardian; PR/The Guardian; The Guardian Design; The Guardian

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