Featured in Press
Official article about the interview with Robert Peston – Robert Peston Gives Advice to Journalism Students

(June 2023) Middlesex University article: Meet the MDX alumni with the skills of the future

Blog post about the Euron magazine and work placements – Are work placements and graduate schemes effective?

Featured in Slovak/Czech Press
Numerous articles on EGT website (Project Ecoscola, Ecoscola in Lamego, winner of international literary competition)
May 2007 Featured in Gemerske Zvesti – Regional newspaper for my home city Rimavska Sobota

May 2009 Best PowerPoint presentation for the charity raising awareness of Aids/HIV – 3rd year of red ribbons
March 2013 Former EGT student candidates for a vice-president at British university
May 2014 Interview for evening news TV JOJ – News at 7pm

April 2019 Featured in online magazine Startitup
October 2020 Interview for Czech TV Nova about how Czechia is portrayed in British press in regards to Coronavirus and the current pandemic situation

July 2021 Featured on Rimava - Slovak regional online news