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I successfully defended my PhD viva at the University of Sussex in May 2024 where I explored critical thinking of young people in the case of YouTube. In my research, I specifically looked at YouTube influencers, current social media trends, audiences and fandom, the theory of critical thinking, ethical and practical problems in a research with children and young people, participatory and digital methods, ethnography and use of thematic inductive analysis. Part of my research was to watch YouTube content and follow all the YouTube 'drama'. I am also a Sussex Humanities Lab (SHL) associate


I have been teaching and supervising students at Middlesex University (HPA) since September 2020 and examining dissertation and creative projects since 2019. The dissertations and creative projects often relate to social media and digital media production. In addition, I have been teaching digital online journalism at the University of West London since January 2024.


If you are interested in talking to me or inviting me to a conference please get in touch via email.


ResearchGate profile profile








PhD research

Please visit or click on the picture below to learn more about my PhD research




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